Our Vision

Achieving highly effective and efficient Egyptian Businesses is our ultimate vision. We want to see all of the Egyptian businesses transform into world class competitors. Our world attained expertise transferred to businesses to have the best practices in all business aspects for all industries and sectors.

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve and elevate all businesses in Egypt, give a competitive edge in the world market and increase their profitability while creating a suitable internal culture driving companies to thrive. mongy.net mission is to transform Egyptian Businesses into world leading businesses.

Our Values


We believe that the word of mouth is worth more than contracts, and we keep our words as best serves our clients. High professionalism: Maintaining the highest possible standard is our only way of doing business.


All information and inner works of our customers are for our customers.


Due to the diversity of our team, we provide and reconfigure tools from various industries to best suit any designated purpose to have the highest positive impact on your business.

“Exponential personal development”

We encourage all staff and clients to develop, learn and apply and gain all knowledge attainable for the benefit of the individual as well as the contribution for businesses.

Our Story

Since its inception in 2007, mongy.net for Financial & Managerial Consulting has an established track record of successful, high-impact projects and partnerships, adding value to companies, organizations, and government agencies.

Specialized in offering integrated solutions in both financial and managerial fields, we served a large numbers of clients and turned their numbers to positive.

Meet the Team

Get to know the talented individuals and our greatest assets who power mongy.net

Our ability to deliver outstanding results for our clients starts with our team of smart, capable experts. We come from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds to deliver the best in class financial and managerial services.

As unique as we are individually, we share a mutual passion for technology and doing excellent work for our clients and partners.

Mohamed El Mongy

Founder & CEO

Mohamed worked as a CFO for many multinational companies in Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi and Egypt

Sherif El Saadany

Chief Audit Executive

Sherif worked as an internal audit Manager for many multinational companies in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Mohamed Zaki


Mohamed has a long experience as a CFO in banking systems beside his experience in cash management and compliance.